Portal Turret

Hey!  It's ME!Portal Turret in ActionCompleted Portal TurretGoodbyeI Don't Hate You.I See You...
Don't Shoot!I Don't Blame You.Sleep Mode Activated.Gun BarrelsPreparing to Dispense Product.Dispensing Product.
Target Acquired.Gotcha!HelloThis Was a Triumph...Leg PiecesInternal tubing installed
Gun BarrelsGun Barrels paintedEye installedBody AssembledBody Painted 4Body Painted 5

Portal Turret, a set by CitizenSnips on Flickr.

Awesome Portal Turret model from Flikr User Citizensnips

Production photos from SLASH!


Pre-production right through to production photos of Short Horror Comedy film “Slash” directed by Caleb McKenney and produced by Nicholas Andrew Halls. Check out more here: http://on.fb.me/qs8r8Q

Custom Steampunk Jewelry

Created by Castle Blood using Smooth-On products:


New Videos! Create Custom Aquarium Decorations

The SMASH® Plastic World Record has been broken again!

Creating plastic figures with the Modern Art Museum Of Fort Worth

by Teen/Artist Project – Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth

This week, Billy began by passing out the silicone molds and demonstrating the process of creating plastic figures. The process involved a two part solution called Smooth-Cast 325, that can be found at Reynolds Advanced Materials in Dallas, TX. Early on we saw how color and transparency could affect the final product. Just a small drop of dye would go a long way.With just a few molds, the variety of output was never-ending.

Generally, art-making is seen as a solitary endeavor, however, this week’s class involved a lot of teamwork. Everyone helped each other in a variety of ways including keeping the silicone molds from leaking, mixing colors, pouring the plastic, and even giving feedback and advice on the spot.

Though the process was quite messy, we made a lot of art. As class went on, the idea of what could be cast grew. After making several casts from the silicone molds, rubber gloves were explored as a mold to cast from. Cooper also began to collect the remnants from the used cups. It will be interesting to see how or if those pieces are used to create a work of art.

Special Effects in Budapest

Beautiful work from one of our special effects customers in Budapest http://bit.ly/no7BpB


Dragon Skin 20 Likeness Sculpture

Dragon Skin 20 silicone likeness sculpt from Aaron Parkus – customer from Pittsburgh, PA – actor at The #Scarehouse


Dragon Skin Silicone Foot By Studio R

Gruesome Zombie Makeup

By Greg Austin – Smooth-On facebook friend
